AtmaGo Connects 1 Million+ Users!

We’ve Reached 1 Million Because of YOUR Support!
Thank you so much to all of our supporters, funders, ambassadors, users, staff, and volunteers. We could not have reached over 1,000,000 users without you! We are so excited to be on our way to scaling AtmaGo to connect and empower people in every region of the world. AtmaGo is helping our 1M users prepare for and cope with emergencies like flooding and fires; connect with local resources and opportunities, like jobs and education; and share solutions and take collective action by organizing community events.

Ibu Sumiyati’s Story
Ibu Sumiyati is just one of many AtmaGo users who are connecting with their community to help neighbors prepare for disasters, improve access to basic needs, and overcome chronic challenges.

“Previously, my neighbors knew me only as Sumiyati, a public works cleaner… That’s it. But when I became an AtmaGo user, they started to see me differently… Now that I use AtmaGo for good purposes, for the interest of the community, they see me highly and with respect…. For my community, AtmaGo and I are something incredible.”

Take a look at what Sumiyati is doing in her community with AtmaGo.

We can’t say thank you enough for helping us reach 1,000,000 users. Thank you!


The Atma Connect Team

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