Celebrating Earth Day 2023 on AtmaGo

The AtmaGo mobile app and platform have become a home for individuals and communities to raise awareness of climate and sustainability. AtmaGo brings together those who are driven to contribute to create impact through the power of stories and strengthen their movements through action. Read on for six inspiring highlights, especially as we celebrate Earth Day.

The climate crisis, ecological disasters, and natural resource extraction have created a significant burden in Indonesia, especially on low income and marginalized communities. The global COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated certain environmental impacts by increasing medical waste, and the use and disposal of disinfectants, masks, and gloves.

The AtmaGo community includes those who are passionate about making a difference and having a positive impact on the environment around them through such activities as cleaning rivers and beaches, recycling waste and garbage, advocating for government action, and encouraging an environmentally friendly lifestyle with sustainable agriculture.

Several environmental themes have inspired the AtmaGo community in Indonesia, including these:

  1. Reducing waste and pollution: The Scout Movement of Saka Kalpataru Jombang East Java makes ecobrick from used plastic, which has a significant impact on the waste management system. Eco bricks help prevent plastic from accumulating, being burned or dumped.
    Ecobrik: dari Polusi Menjadi Solusi
  2. Flooding from sea level rise mitigation and beach rehabilitation by planting mangroves: Residents of Muaragembong Bekasi, West Java, plant mangrove trees to prevent erosion.
    Penanaman Mangrove sebagai Bentuk Edukasi
  3. Replanting of deforested forests: The regional leadership communication forum (Forkopimda) Banyuwangi East Java plans to plant 1,000 trees on the slopes of Mount Ijen to lessen the impact of flooding.
    Antisipasi Banjir di Perkotaan, Banyuwangi Tangani Lereng Gunung Ijen
  4. Go organic: Education about the benefits and advantages of worm compost (Kascing) offers several agricultural advantages and other environmental benefits organically.
    Beralihlah ke Produk Organik
  5. End single-use plastic: Karangkajen Science Village and SDIT Al Khairaat Yogyakarta educate communications on how to overcome environmental pollution through activities without using single-use plastics.
    Gak Pakai Plastik Gak Cukup
  6. Art: Semper Barat Urban Village, Cilincing, North Jakarta has succeeded in turning waste plastic bottle caps into works of art.
    Kelurahan Semper Barat Sulap Limbah Plastik Jadi Karya Seni

Join us to help make this world a better place. We can all contribute to environmental sustainability with simple things like planting trees, cleaning up trash, and reducing dependence on fossil fuel energy sources.

Let’s celebrate Earth Day 2023 by posting your community activities on AtmaGo with the hashtags #Sustainability, #EarthDay2023 #WargaBantuWarga #InvestinOurPlanet

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